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aprīlī Rīgas Tehniskajā universitātē notika Latvijas Robotikas čempionāts. Aicinām bērnus pieteikties nometnei pavasara brīvlaikā. Grīvas prospekts 4a, Ogre, LV 5001.
Norises laiks un relatīvais Rīgas tuvums rada iespēju interesentiem šo pasākumu apmeklēt arī uz nepilnu laiku vai vienu dienu. gadu un pakāpeniski no reģionāla pasākuma ir izveidojusies par valsts.
Nozare Ciparos 2017 - jaunākās statistikas apkopojums. EuroDIG 2017 konference no 6. Parakstīts memorands nelegālās televīzijas apkarošanai. Latvijas Drošāka interneta centra publiskais pārskats 2015-2016. februārī, Latvijā atzīmēs Vispasaules drošāka interneta dienu 2016.
augustā Jūrmalā, sakarā ar remonta darbiem trases maršrutā tiek pārcelts uz 10. Par pasākuma norises vietu tiks ziņots savlaicīgi. Iemaksāto dalības maksu ir iespējams atgriezt vai pārcelt uz nākamo posmu 10.
American Iron and Metal Cleveland LLC. American Iron and Metal Cleveland. Strives to continuously provide our customers with quality products and timely, friendly services. We foster strong relationships with our employees and business partners, ensuring we remain a low-cost processor using our modern equipment and efficient production processes. Is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Iron and Metal LP.
A ministry for the Children and Parents of Antioch International Ministry. Please read ahead in Acts with your children. When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
Quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2014. Em nota em suas paginas oficiais no facebook o pastor Antonio Cirilo. E a cantora Alice Maciel ambos Cancelaram os shows que fariam em Dário Meira, eram duas das atrações principais do evento, que por causas contratuais não fará mais parte da grade. Contamos com a compreensão de todos e sabemos que acima de tudo o Senhor está no controle. A paz do Senhor Amados! .
Contamos com apoio das entidades estaduais e microrregionais na divulgação e mobilização. CAVALGADA DA REPÚBLICA MOVIMENTA A CIDADE.